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Hydroponics 101

The traditional way of doing things are now being surpassed with the advent of different technology; communication has gotten better, work, efficient and even working with nature has got less messy. Hydroponics is a new way of growing plants without the conventional use of soil. Instead, it uses liquid or a non-soil growth medium like perlite, rock wool, vermiculite as well as clay pellets and nutrient-rich solution in germinating the plants. Semantically, hydroponics is a compound word containing ‘hydro’ and ‘phonics’ meaning ‘water’ and ‘work’ respectively. The root has direct contact with what is essential for the growth of the plant, that is, hydrogen. The hydroponics is quite easy to set-up as what you need are the structures to get hold of the plants, growth medium, nutrients, a light source and the plants that you want to grow.

Furthermore, if one uses liquid nutrients in germinating the plants, the terminology for this is solution culture while if done with things like sand, pellets or sand, it is called aggregate culture. There is virtually no plant that the hydroponics cannot grow, although some flourish than the others. This will bring us to the different types of hydroponic systems that are in existence.

The first is the Nutrient Film Technique, where the nutrient solution meant for the plant is allowed to flow endlessly over the root of the plants, for this type of hydroponics work properly, the solution is be slanted to make the nutrient flow intensely. This allows the plant grow faster as the root will derive more oxygen from air than the flowing nutrient solution.

The Aeroponics is another form of hydroponics, where the roots are placed up in the air while glazed over with nutrient solution. The solution comes in contact with the roots by using a spray nozzle or a pond fogger using Teflon to reduce the vital maintenance. It can easily be commercialized too with little tuning.

Also, the Deepwater Culture otherwise known as the reservoir method is the easiest of all the types of hydroponics that will be discussed. The root of the plants here will be suspended in a nutrient solution but will be prevented from drowning; an aquarium air pump will continually oxygenate the solution. This type of hydroponics is a specialty in organics, but you need to be watchful of light coming into the system as it can bring about algae’s growth.

According to its name, the ebb and flow system or flood and drain system derived its name from the way it gives nutrients to plants through the means of timed flooding then draining to a reservoir. It is very good for plants that flourish best with moment of dryness.

Aside from the discussed hydroponics, we also have the Drip system which dispense nutrients slowly like a drip to the hydroponics medium like coconut coir, Rockwool or sand, but when using this system, you must be sure to watch out for a clog in the emitter used for the dripping.

Lastly, the Wicking surrounds the medium holding the plant with cotton while an end of the wick is put inside the nutrient solution, slowly the solution passed to the roots of the plant.

The hydroponics is a classy, neat, and excellent choice of growers as you will get a hold of the variables that influence the wellness of the plants’ growth. All these types of hydroponics for the sake efficiency must be done with high proficiency, vast proficiency that can be found at as all the downsides to the types of hydroponics are readily considered for the better growth of plants. And these different products like supercloset 8-site bubble flow buckets hydroponics grow system, supersonics 8, 8 plant hydroponic plant grow systems, and many more are cheaper to the get at

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